UDM News


TERS jeongwaja PPL TOP 3 selected, pop-up held

TERS was selected as a participating brand in the popular web entertainment show jeongwaja: Men Who Transferred Every Day and held a pop-up store near Sogang University.

Jeongwaja is a YouTube program planned and produced by OOTB, and is loved by BTOB Lee Chang-seop for his unique concept of reviewing various departments while attending universities nationwide every time. In the first semester of 2023, he met real students in the Department of Early Childhood Education, Navigation, Urban Public Administration, and New Material Engineering, and received a great response by introducing his/her department life. The pop-up was also successful. 2023년 1학기에는 유아교육학과, 항해학과, 도시행정학과, 신소재공학과 등에서 실제 학생들을 만나 학과 생활을 직접 소개하여 뜨거운 호응을 얻었으며, 팝업도 성황리에 진행되었습니다.

The collaboration has contributed to increasing the awareness of the product while effectively promoting the TERS brand to Wave Park visitors.
