TALLO's Beer Yeast Therapy Care Line, consisting of three products, conducted its first-ever live broadcast in China featuring the influencer Wang Hong. As of 2021, the number of people suffering from hair loss in China has reached a staggering 250 million, with 70% of them being under the age of 30. This demographic overlaps significantly with the primary user base of live broadcasts. The TALLO Beer Yeast Therapy Care Line, which took place on the 9th, was broadcasted through the popular Chinese social media platform, "Kuaishou." It was promoted by Wang Hong, the representative influencer of Kuaishou, who boasts 9 million followers, along with the celebrity couple "Won Chul and his wife." The TALLO representative reported that the TALLO Hair Care Set received a strong positive response during the live broadcast, resulting in rapid sales. 론칭 후 국내 고객들에게 많은 호응을 받고 있는 딸로 맥주효모 샴푸가 예상치 못하게 "I am truly grateful that the TALLO Beer Yeast Shampoo, which has been well received by domestic customers since its launch, has unexpectedly gained significant interest in China." |