Urban Digital Marketing Co., Ltd. (CEO Jong-wook Park), an integrated digital marketing company, announced on the 13th that it has secured an investment of 2 billion won by establishing a mutual growth partnership model with brand companies through Marketing Investment (MI)
Urban Digital Marketing, a digital integrated marketing (IMC) specialist focusing primarily on brand revenue growth, has exceptionally secured investment as a marketing company due to its 10 years of successful marketing experience and high evaluation of business growth potential. KB Securities and UTC Investment participated in this investment.
The Marketing Investment Project is a method where a marketing specialist company invests its sophisticated expertise, infrastructure, experience, know-how, and human/material resources as marketing assets in brand companies to grow together. Particularly, it focuses on resolving the inefficiency in businesses due to the lack of experience of non-expert marketing executives by giving marketers the decision-making power in marketing execution and concentrating on generating actual results. This is the core of the project.
Urban Digital Marketing actually invested in marketing for the domestic oral irrigator brand Aquapick, achieving an 11-fold increase in sales. Recently, they are driving brand growth by handling the digital marketing for Skinfood, the original food cosmetic brand that gained fame from 'Nego King'.
Jong-wook Park, CEO of Urban Digital Marketing, expressed his ambition, saying, 'With this investment, we plan to fully commit to expanding the discovery of domestic brands and companies with excellent technology and quality, and to creating outstanding success stories together in both domestic and international markets.
Urban Digital Marketing, known for its strong global business capabilities, operates as an Amazon Marketing External Service Provider (SPN, Service Provider Network). With three consecutive years of being selected as a power performing agency in the export voucher project, the company plans to intensify its efforts in global market exploration based on its expertise in global marketing.