Sensitive Skin Solutions covers ingredients to soothe skin, how to minimise irritation with a personalised skincare routine, and how to protect your skin from the elements. We offer morning and evening routines, seasonal care, and product selection guides for sensitive skin.

The Necessity of Sensitive Skin Solutions
Sensitive skin reacts easily to external stimuli, becoming red or breaking out due to a weakened skin barrier. It requires skincare routines that minimize irritation. Sensitive skin solutions focus on soothing and protecting the skin from external irritants. It’s essential to use hypoallergenic products and find tailored solutions to strengthen the skin barrier.
Main Problems Sensitive Skin Faces
Sensitive skin reacts to changes in temperature, air pollution, and stress. These factors damage the skin barrier, causing trouble like dryness or inflammation. A weakened skin barrier fails to retain moisture and exposes the skin to irritants, accelerating the skin aging process. Strengthening the barrier is essential for avoiding these problems.
Proper Care Methods for Sensitive Skin
To maintain healthy sensitive skin, it's crucial to minimize external irritation and strengthen the skin barrier. Avoid products with chemical ingredients and opt for natural, hypoallergenic options. In the morning, focus on protection, while at night, emphasize skin regeneration.

Ingredients Suitable for Sensitive Skin Solutions
Ingredients that soothe and protect the skin are essential for sensitive skin. Aloe vera, panthenol, and centella asiatica help calm the skin and reduce irritation. Anti-inflammatory ingredients are particularly beneficial for sensitive skin.
Ingredients that Calm the Skin
Aloe vera is excellent for soothing and hydrating the skin. It reduces inflammation and softens the skin, making it an ideal choice for sensitive skin.
Ingredients that Reduce Irritation
Centella asiatica is known for its anti-inflammatory properties and helps minimize irritation. Panthenol strengthens the skin barrier and maintains moisture, making it a must-have ingredient for sensitive skin products.

Everyday Sensitive Skin Solutions
Morning and evening Skincare routinesis important. Your care should focus on protection in the morning and regeneration in the evening, and sensitive skin needs a simple routine that minimises irritation.
Morning Skincare Routine
In the morning, the key is to protect the skin from external irritants. After cleansing, apply a calming toner like TALLO Sweetie Essence In Tonerfollowed by a moisturizing cream. Lastly, apply sunscreen to shield the skin from UV rays.
Evening Skincare Routine
In the evening, focus on regenerating the skin. After using a gentle cleanser, apply TALLO Sweetie Calming Creamfor hydration and skin barrier recovery. This product is perfect for calming sensitive skin while maintaining moisture.

Sensitive Skin Solutions for Changing Environments
Sensitive skin is prone to changes in the environment, requiring season-specific care. Winter and summer skincare routines should differ, and it's important to protect sensitive skin from environmental stressors.
Seasonal Sensitive Skin Care
In winter, it’s vital to retain moisture with rich creams, while in summer, lightweight moisturizers are better for managing excess sebum production.
The Impact of Environmental Pollution on Sensitive Skin
Environmental pollution irritates sensitive skin and can cause long-term damage. Using skincare products with antioxidants helps protect the skin from external aggressors, reducing the likelihood of irritation and skin damage.

Choosing the Right Products for Sensitive Skin Solutions
When selecting products for sensitive skin, focus on hypoallergenic and moisturizing options. Cleansers and moisturizers are key, and choosing products that match your skin type is crucial.
Tips for Choosing Hypoallergenic Cleansers
Cleansers for sensitive skin should be gentle, non-drying, and maintain the skin’s natural pH balance. TALLO Sweetie Moisture Gel Cleanseris an excellent choice for sensitive skin, providing hydration without irritation.
The Importance of Moisturizing Products
Moisturizing is crucial for maintaining sensitive skin. Products containing ingredients like hyaluronic acid keep the skin hydrated and help fortify the skin barrier, reducing irritation and maintaining healthy skin.