UDM News


Dr. Seed achieves 8541% funding on Wadiz for its 'Solution Booster'.

닥터시드, 솔루션 부스터

The natural ingredient hair care brand, Dr. Seed (Dr.SEED), announced the successful completion of its new product, 'Dr. Seed Solution Booster,' on Wadiz encore crowdfunding, achieving an impressive 8541% funding rate.

The 'Solution Booster' garnered attention as a groundbreaking scalp care product during its initial crowdfunding campaign, achieving a remarkable 10,000% of its target amount within just 15 days of its launch. Following this success and high satisfaction with the product quality, there was a significant demand for an encore campaign. In response to the overwhelming support from consumers, the encore crowdfunding campaign reached an impressive 8541% of its target amount, demonstrating the product's continued popularity.

The 'Solution Booster' is available in two types: 'Scalp Cleaning' for oily scalps and 'Anti Hair Loss' for hair loss management. Depending on the scalp condition, when mixed with the regular shampoo, it enhances scalp care functions and cleansing power. Additionally, ingredients such as xylitol and menthol are included to help reduce scalp heat, a common cause of scalp disorders.

A Dr. Seed spokesperson stated, "The Solution Booster's advantage of allowing customers to use their existing shampoo without having to purchase separate functional shampoos has resonated well with our customers." They further expressed, "We will repay our customers' generous expectations and support with the highest quality."

Meanwhile, the new product, Dr. Seed Solution Booster, is scheduled for an official launch through online markets and the company's own website in mid-October.
